How to Properly Use a Spray Nozzle

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          Airless nozzles are a commonly used type of nozzle in spray equipment. They atomize paint directly under high pressure, instead of using compressed air. The design and working principle of airless nozzles give them significant advantages over other types of nozzles in some applications.

    Working Principle

    High-Pressure Atomization

    Airless nozzles pressurize the paint to extremely high levels (usually 2000-3000 PSI, or even higher) and then eject it through a very small nozzle aperture. The paint rapidly disperses and atomizes as it leaves the nozzle.

    Uniform Coating:

    The high-pressure atomization process produces very fine paint particles, which help to form a smoother, more uniform coating.

    Design Features

    Spray Painting Techniques

    Calibration of Nozzle Models
    Nozzle Model and Film Thickness

    For nozzles with the same spray width but different diameters, the thickness of the film sprayed by the larger diameter nozzle is considered thicker.

    For nozzles with the same diameter but different spray widths, the thickness of the film sprayed by the larger diameter nozzle is considered thicker.

    Spray Gun Distance
    Spray Gun Position

    The spray gun should always be kept perpendicular to the object being sprayed.

    Spray Gun Movement
    Spray Width Overlap
    How to Spray Paint Corners
    How to Spray Paint Flat Surfaces

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